Channel: MythraGallery

Workshop step of the first international painting symposium on the subject of integration


On June 11th 2018, one day after artists arriving in The Netherlands, we open the studio door on our guest artists and the first practical part of the symposium started officially.
Interaction between the artists with the different nationality and Iranian artists was a spectacular challenge.
On June 12th we open the symposium with art lovers at 16:00 at Mooof in The Hague and artists had a live workshop every day from 9:00 – 22:00 until Friday, June 15th.

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Mister Koushyar Parsi’s speech, Pulchri, 2018


On June 16th, 2018, The exhibition “Putting color on the face of the world” has opened at Pulchri studio in The Hague by organizing Mythra art gallery. Mister Koushyar Parsi as an art consulate of the first international painting symposium on the subject of “Artist for interaction and artistic integration” had a speech in this case. The Persian text is available in the bellow and by clicking on the link, you can watch the video. Mythra gallery is thankful dear Mister Parsi.


گفتار برای نمایشگاه هنر در نگارخانه‌ی پولخری/لاهه، 16 ژوئن 2018

سال 1368 / نوامبر 1989/ یک ماه تمام مانیفستی در آمستردام برپا شد با عنوان: ایران: چهره و چادر؛ با شرکت نویسندگان، نگارگران و عکاسان ایران بر پا شده بود . روزنامه‌نگاری – نام‌اش از یاد برده‌ام-، در رونمایی نمایشگاه، سخن با اعتراض آغاز کرد که ‘هنرمند ایرانی به ما خیانت کرده است. ایران برای ما کویری‌ست خشک به زیر آسمانی تیره که جماعتی سوار بر شترهای استخوانی ِ گرسنه در آن پرسه می‌زنند. اینان برای ما رنگ آورده‌‍‌اند و زیبایی. ذهنیت ما را به هم ریخته‌اند. چرا خواب ما می‌آشوبید؟’

این برنامه از سوی AIDA  بنیادی که اواخر دهه‌ی هفتاد توسط کلود للوش برای دفاع از هنرمندان زیر فشار جهان در فرانسه بنیاد گذاشته شده بود. کار این بنیاد در هلند بیش از کشورهای دیگر ادامه یافت، تا که در اوایل ِ هزاره‌ی نو، تبر ِ نو لیبرال ‘هالبه زایلسترا’ به کار افتاد در زدن ِ ریشه‌ی فرهنگ و هنر. آیدا نیز یکی از قربانیان بود.

در جهان کنونی ِ عربده‌کشی ِ نولیبرال‌ها، به جهانی کشانده‌ شده‌ایم که همه چیز و همه کس با همه چیز

و همه کس در ستیز است. جهانی که روشن‌گری، آزادی، برابری و برادری چون کره‌ی زمین آماج بهره‌کشی و نابودی است.

در این جهان، وادار شده‌ایم هویت ِ خود به زیر سئوال بکشیم. از خود بپرسیم: که هستیم؟ از نگاه ِ خود و از نگاه ِ دیگران.

تصویر، هم چون واژه، انسان را از آغاز، از ازل به خود مشغول داشته است. آری از آغاز. زیرا می دانیم که در آغاز واژه بود. در سفر خروج از کتاب مقدس آمده است که: “صورتی تراشیده و هیچ تمثالی از آنچه بالا در آسمانست و از آنچه پایین در زمین است و از آنچه در آب زیر زمینست برای خود مساز.”

تصویر (تمثال، تندیس) از آغاز زیر ِ آوار ِ انکار و تحریم بوده است. از آن‌که کشف و ساخته‌ی ابلیس است. هم از این رو سرگذشتی پر فراز و نشیب دارد.

انتگراسیون تنها به معنای هم‌رنگی و یک‌رنگ شدن نیست. مفهومی‌ست با درون‌مایه‌ی ‘هم‌گرایی‘: توان ِ درک و دیدن ِ پیرامون. پیرامون که انباشته است از تصویر.

در نگاه به گوناگونی ِ فرهنگی نیز شکل ِ ارتباط گیری اهمیت دارد. تفاوت ِ میان ِ دیدن و نگاه کردن، تفاوت میان ِ چاله و مواد ِ پرکننده‌ی چاله نیست.

آن‌چه دیده می‌شود، آمیزه است. آمیزه‌ی دو سویه‌ی جذب و دفع. چالش و توان ِ چالش است که اندیشه از پی ِ نگاه می‌کشاند تا رسیدن به چالش ِ نو. انتزاع و فیگور: حس و بیان، حرکت ِ نرم و تندباد و تندر، وهم و واقعیت و …

توانایی ما در دیدن ِ تصویر – صحنه ی جنگ یا غروب آفتاب – بدون زیباشناسی و بی غفلت از آن چه می‌بینیم، چیست؟ تصویر، واقعی یا تجریدی، چه نقشی در ذهن و سرمان بازی می کند؟ آن چه که ما از تصویرها در حافظه‌مان نگه می‌داریم از ازل چه بوده است؟ چه بخشی از روی‌داد و  یادواره‌ها در حافظه‌ می‌ماند؟ اصل یا ازل؟

بر تصویر می‌توان شرح نوشت، حتا اگر استعدامان قد ندهد؛ به زحمت‌اش می‌ارزد. درباره‌ی تماشا کردن. هنر ِ تماشا در تماشای هنر. و واکنش به این تماشای ِ کار خود و دیگری، همان ‘هم‌گرایی’‌ست: انتگراسیون.

در این زباله‌دانی ِ تمدن که زبان و تصویر به قربان‌گاه کشانده شده‌اند، چاره چیست جز پناه بردن به زبان و تصویر؟ سر برآوردن به مقاومت. آمیختن ِ واقعیت با جهان ِ زیبای خیال و مجازی.

دیدنی ِ ناخواسته با نادیدنی ِ دلخواه. کنار آمدن آن‌چه همگانی‌ست با خلوت ِ درونی ِ فرد، بیان با نظارت، گشت با گریز. هر چه هم به زیر تهدید باشیم یا خود در امنیت بیابیم، هستی به گردش ادامه می‌دهد. هویت ِ مجازی در کار نیست.

نومید نباید بود: هنرمند ِ فرهنگ‌ساز هنوز در کار است.  همه‌ی آن‌چه گفتم در بایگانی ِ خیال دارد، تا برچیند و بچیند. وادارمان کند چون مولوی:

در دیده‌ی من اندر آ، وز چشم ِ من بنگر مرا                زیرا برون از دیده‌ها، منزلگهی بگزیده‌ام

هنرمندان جهان، به ما خیانت کنید!

The participated artists in The first international painting symposium


15 artists could participated in the workshop step of the symposium in The Hague, The Netherlands at Mooof studio and 2 artists also participated from Iran, on line by Skype!

1. Abdinejad Yousef

Iran, Hamedan

Yousef Abdinejad










2. Adilipour Narges

Iran, Isfahan

Narges Adilipour








3. Alborzkouh Samira

Iran, Tehran

Samira Alborzkouh








4. Allahkhani Karim

Iran, Kerman

Karim Allahkhani










5. Ahmadi Ashestani Sanaz

Iran, Tabriz

Sanaz Ahmadi Ashestani








6. Bateni Tina

Iran, Tehran

Tina Bateni








7. Djaaz Salam

Iraq, Baghdad (currently lives at The Netherlands)

Salam Djaaz










8.  Gholami Manuchehr

Iran, Tehran

Manuchehr Gholami










9. Heidari Hamed

Iran, Tehran

Hamed Heidari







10. Iravani Maryam

Iran, Isfahan

Maryam Iravani








11. Jafarnejad Mona

Iran, Tehran (currently lives at Lausanne Switzerland)


Mona Jafarnejad










12. Mottaghi Morteza

Iran, Tehran

Morteza Mottaghi








13. Nazemzadeh Mana

Iran, Tehran

Mana Nazemzadeh








14. Safi Tawab

Afghanistan, Kabul (currently lives at Rotterdam,

The Netherlands)

Tawab Safi








15. Sajadufar Zahra

Iran, Isfahan

Zahra Sajadifar








16. Valarezo Diana

Ecuador, Quito (currently lives at Brussels, Belgium)

Diana Valarezo







17. Van de Rakt Claudette

The Netherlands, Breda

Claudette Van de Rakt




Exhibition of the first international painting symposium 2018


“Putting color on the face of the world” exhibition of the first international painting symposium on the subject of “Artist for interaction and artistic integration” placed at one the most famous Dutch gallery-museum, in The Hague, The Netherlands “Pulchri Studio” -www.pulchri.nl- from June 16th, until July 8th 2018 by Mythra art gallery!

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The first international painting symposium on the subject of Artist for interaction and artistic integration
The first international painting symposium on the subject of Artist for interaction and artistic integration

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Putting color on the face of the world

Diana Valarezo




Diana Valarezo works with painting, mix media, photography, printing, installation, ceramic and performance. Moreover she blends her art practices with art education, community art and as art curator. Constant traveling, her nomadic life and her sojourns in China, Senegal, Peru and Myanmar have enhanced her reflection on the symbiosis and exchange between cultures. Her work moves as her views and influences are constantly renewed in her creative work. Actually she lives between Belgium and Ecuador.


Memory Beings” art collection of the exhibition September 22th – October 16th  2018 – statement

Since its inception my work has been a reflection on memory, remembrances and inner travel, which later became the real fact of displacement, migration, the search for identity and roots, its unifying thread has been and continues being, the journey.


Through these years of work I have built scenarios or series that are the reflection of my transit within the emotional and geographical displacement, creating images and metaphors of what surrounded me in those moments. My work transmutes from one subject to another, from one technique to another, with which I try to demonstrate these experiences, these skin changes, and the mutations of being.


In the most recent projects, which I began with an approach to the scribble, in an automatic way seeking to explore into the unconscious and the intuitive as a creative exercise, it evolved into imaginary landscapes, coinciding with the return to the geographical landscape of childhood.


“Beings of Memory” is the last series that I am developing where it is an intimate and very personal attempt to give life to the ghosts of memory, to the reunification with the roots through the primary beauty of nature.


Diana Valarezo's Memory Beings collection

Diana Valarezo’s ceramic-new collection September 2018

Mitra Jashni-Artist art director of Mythra art gallery


Mitra Jashni
MA in Art-Painting
BA in Art- Painting
Studied in Modern Middle East study
Permanent Member of Iranian Painters Association

Mitra Jashni (born ِ 16 December 1976) is an Iranian-Kurdish post-modern artist, a permanent member of Iranian Painters Association. She specializes in the mediums of painting, drawing, and sculpture. She is an art teacher, translator, author and singer of Iranian contemporary music. As of 2018, she had worked as an artist for more than 14 years in Iran, Canada, South America, and Europe.
She was the founder of Visual Art and music institute in Tehran, Mehr Yasht Azal in 2008 and works as director there until she has to leave Iran in 2010. She lived and worked in Ecuador from that time until June 2014 as artists and also art, history and philosophy teacher. She arrived in Netherland on June 4th, 2014 and she held the exhibitions and workshops up in her House Gallery at Baarle-Nassau. ( www.mythragallery.com). From 2015 until now, she is working as an art program coordinator in the National Dutch NGO Vrolijkheid. She is organizing the art project and workshops for the asylum seekers in the refugee centers and the artists who live in the neighborhood. Since 2013 that she organized a first “paint-in” project in Ecuador with Sara Palacios with whom she lived and worked together for 8 months in the same studio she worked and organized some projects that specifically investigate and focus on the cultural integration and its relation with “Immigrant Artist Identity Difficulties”.

She started to speak with this language in her first collection after her immigration “Naturaleza de Amor”. She challenged her old ideological beliefs in lovely dresses. Before in “ Death” ( her final collection in Iran), her viewpoint in her artworks looked more privately and personally. Immigration and relation with new people make special critical points in her works. “Madre” the art project that she created and performed in Ecuador with Sara Palacios –Ecuadorian sculptor- is a manifest from a woman against self-limiting beliefs. Her queens and kings in her later collections started to make a new empire without these limitations. However, as an artist, she said: I have painted my life and I am doing still. Your life is unique and your artwork can be unique if it images your life.
With over fifteen years of experience as artist and art program coordinator in different countries, she found art in all its categories is one the most effective and sincere ways to communicate about one’s own culture and to raise interest and curiosity in host societies about the background of visitors and guests from foreign countries.
Now as an artist and art project manager, also with 4 years art gallery directory in The Netherlands, she is working on a new project and she is organizing to open The first Art Center with the aim of using art as a tool of dialogue on the subject of justice and peace.

2017- Exhibition Tijd voor Tapijten in het Scheip museum in Amsterdam
2017- Exhibtion Tijd voor Tapijten in Podium Muzaik in Amsterdam
2017- Exhibtion Tijd voor Tapijten in BKKC in Tilburg
2017- Individual Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Municipal Gallery, Nederland
2016- Art in integration, nomads, BKKC, Tilburg, Netherlands
2016- August. The individual exhibition, RASA, Utrecht, Netherlands
2016- June. Group Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Mesdag Hall, Pulchri Studio Den Haag
2016- May. Individual Exhibition, Arian Art Gallery, Brussels
2016- Group Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Galerie Arte Soffitta Veghel, Nederland
2015- Group Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Galerie Kunst vol Leven, Belgium
2015- Group Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Called Summer Mythra Gallery, Nederland
2015- Individual Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Municipal Gallery, Nederland
2015- Individual Painting& Sculpture Exhibition, Called Nowruz Mythra Gallery, Nederland
2014-Group Exhibition, Mirada artistas, Plaza Chiquita, Quito, Ecuador
2014- Painting Exhibition, The National Council of Ecuador( Asamblea Nacional Republica del Ecuador ) Realizará Jornada Libertad for International Woman Day- Quito, Ecuador
2013- Group Exhibition, Caroun Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada,
2013- Group Exhibition CAPP (professional artist´s college of Pichincha), Quito, Ecuador
2013- International Painting Festival UIO, Casa de la Cultura, Quito, Ecuador
2013- Mother Project with Ecuadorian sculpture- Sara Palacios- include: video art/ paintings/ sculptures & installation – SARAPA gallery Quito- Ecuador
2013- Project with Ecuadorian sculpture- Sara Palacios- include: video art/ paintings/ sculptures & installation in Centro Cultural Patio de Arupo
2012- Individual workshop- painting in Cienfuegos gallery – Quito Ecuador
2012- Individual painting exhibition in Cienfuegos gallery – Quito Ecuador
2012- Group painting exhibition in Alienza Francesa- Quito Ecuador
2010- Founder of Art & Cultural Institute Mehr Yasht Azal
2010- Group painting exhibition of Feminist Artist Women in Pardis Gallery in Tehran
2009-Group painting exhibition in Iranian Artist´s House
2009- Participation in the painting workshop of Contemporary Art Museum in Tehran in Niavaran Cultural House
2008- the Permanent member of Iranian Painters Society
2008- Member of Contemporary Iranian Artists
2008- Founder of visual art school, Mehr Yasht
2008- Group painting exhibition in Ayeh Art Gallery in Tehran
2008- Solo painting exhibition in Ayeh Art Gallery in Tehran
2008- Group exhibition of the festival of Art & Sport.
2008- The eighth selected artist in Painting Biennale Of Iran.
2007- Group painting workshop in Saba Museum in Tehran.
2007- Group Drawing Exhibition in Zonduzi Museum in Tehran
2006- Group painting exhibition in the Contemporary Art Museum in Isfahan.
2006- Group painting exhibition in Civilizations Dialogue Center in Tehran
2006 –Selected artist in Moghavemat workshop in Imam Ali Museum in Tehran
2006- Th Permanent member of painting workshop of Contemporary Art Museum of Tehran
2006- Individual painting exhibition in Bamdad Art Gallery in Tehran
2002- Painting workshop Soogesabz award
2002- Painting workshop of Bahman Cultural House in Tehran award
2002- Performance Art “Hands” as a performance in Artists´s House of Iran in Tehran

Projects in the Netherlands:
2018. Putting color on the face of the world, The first international painting symposium on the subject of “Artist for interaction and artistic integration” as art director, project manager, and organizer
2016. Art in an integration project, Nomads ( Painting, sculpture, video, installation)
2016. Music Performance at Cultural Center Alphen “ Nice To Meet You”
2016. Selected as a workshop leader and artist in the part of art workshop for ‘’het project Ongekend Bijzonder’’ van CULTURE ZONDAGEN UITAGENDA UTRECHT organization. Utrecht
2016. Selected artist by Vrolijkheid as designer and leader for a special project which is designing a 12 original artistic carpet.
“Analyze and Study of Images of Demotte’s Shahnamah”(Book of Kings ) [ Aboo Saidi ], 2006-2008
“ Ancient Persian Religion” Researching about prehistorical religions of Plateau of Iran, 2008
“ Women in Lorestan’s Bronzes and Willem Deconning’s women, 2007
“Memorial of The Memories”- official publishing on 2004 by Alborz Publishers
Music achievements
mixed Hebrew, African Sahara, Spanish and Indian American music with Persian Folk music.
Some of the concerts are:
_ African Roots, o.l.v. Peter-Paul van Esc , m.m.v. Billy Haynes, Concertzaal Theater Tilburg
– Nomadas( concert) mixed music of Persian- Vasque- Sahara- Moroccan folk style.
– Zafran( concert) mixed music of Persian- Spanish- Arabic folk music.
– Dancer( concert) mixed music of Persian- Spanish- Hebrew folk style.

PDF catalog : Mitra Jashni

Saba Soleymani


Saba Soleymani
Born in 1984
Artist, illustrator, Jewelry designer
Member of Iranian illustrators association
Member of the committee of international relation of the illustrators association.
Her art focus on theme of Femininity and its taboos in her home country Iran.



Art exhibition- Iranian artist Saba Soleymani


On Saturday 10th November (15:00-18:00)
we have an exhibition of an Iranian female artist whose painting-are banned in Iran due to the censorship. The paintings express woman’s emancipation inside Iran. Mister Seyed-Ghorab will speak about two female Iranian poets, Forough Farrokhzad and Zhaleh Ghaem-Maghami.

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